Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I am going to donate as many books as I can to the Sacramento chapter of Make a Wish and have set a goal of July 15th to do so. I will always accept pages anytime, but am specifically requesting that pages be sent in 8x8, 8x11 and 12x12 by June 30th, so that I may make this goal. Please check the Files on the Yahoo group for mailing information, or you may mail me at galtscrapper at yahoo.com for my email address. Help me donate a BUNCH of books! You will also find in the Files of the Yahoo group a Walt Disney Script font (perfect if you happen to have a cutter), a list of Needs, and other information as well.

Here is a GREAT site for how often you can find a specific character:


In addition to character layouts however, I need ride, show, autograph, title and end pages. Pocket pages are also useful, as are pages specifically dedicated to journaling (maybe on those title or end pages?)

Thank you to everyone participating in this project!

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